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2024년 남한에서의 암호화폐 스포츠 베팅 | IDOs News




암호화폐 스포츠 베팅은 전 세계적으로 주목을 받고 있으며, 남한도 예외는 아닙니다. 현재 벌어지고 있는 상황은 암호화폐를 통한 수익을 추구하는 투자자들의 신뢰와 온라인 스포츠 베팅을 허용하는 현지 법률의 혼합입니다. 이 흥미로운 분야에 참여하고 싶다면, 현재 산업이 어떻게 운영되고 있는지 알고 있어야 합니다.

남한에서는 스포츠 베팅 카지노 플랫폼이 여전히 엄격한 모니터링 하에 있습니다. 정부는 2023년 이후로 도박에 대한 관점을 어느 정도 유연하게 하고 있습니다. 암호화폐 사용도 엄격히 관찰되고 있지만, 나라에서의 거래 인기 덕분에 대중적인 의견은 더 좋습니다. 자세한 내용을 위해 다음과 같은 유용한 개요를 참고하십시오:

규제 환경

남한 정부는 암호화폐 법에 대해 조심스러운 접근을 하고 있으며, 이는 암호화폐가 여전히 변동성이 높은 상태에 있기 때문입니다. 디지털 화폐를 법적 화폐로 인정하는 데 대한 신뢰는 전혀 없지만, 기관 간 외환 거래(ForEx)에서는 가치를 인정받고 있습니다. 따라서, 시민들은 국내외 거래소에서 비트코인(BTC)과 이더리움(ETH)을 구매하고 소유할 수 있습니다.

남한 고객을 대상으로 하는 암호화폐 거래소는 금융위원회(FSC)에 등록해야 합니다. 이들은 공공 안전과 국제적인 테러 대응 노력을 보장하기 위한 엄격한 자금세탁방지(AML) 지침을 가지고 있습니다. 또한, 국내에서 디지털 자산을 사용하는 방법을 정의합니다.

전자금융거래법과 특정금융정보의 보고 및 이용에 관한 법률은 암호화폐를 ‘전자 자산’으로 정의했습니다. 또한, 이러한 자산이 남한 법 아래에서 어떻게 사용될 수 있는지를 설정합니다.

남한의 스포츠 베팅에 관한 법률은 첫눈에는 꽤 단순합니다. 2023년 게임법에 따르면, 스포츠 베팅은 국내외 모두 국가 스포츠 진흥법에 의해 규제되며, 한국스포츠재단이 운영하는 매장 및 플랫폼에서만 허용됩니다. 즉, 해외 플랫폼은 금지됩니다.

그러나 한국 법은  의 제약을 명확하게 정의하지 않았습니다. 2023년 게임법은 국내에서 투기 활동이 금전적 이득과 손실을 초래하는 것이 금지되어 있지만 암호화폐는 ‘법정 화폐’로 보지 않습니다. 이는 과세 대상 수익을 가진 전자 자산이지만 한국 원(KRW)과 같은 법률에 의해 제한되지 않습니다.

따라서 베팅을 위해 암호화폐를 사용하는 한 한국 내에서 해외 스포츠 베팅 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 그러나 이것이 공식적으로 허용된다는 의미는 아닙니다. 명확한 지침의 부재는 도박 목적으로 전자 자산을 사용하는 것에 대해 회색 영역을 남깁니다. 카지노 라이센스 제공자는 고객을 보호할 수 있지만 한국 당국은 잠재적인 사기에 대해 조치를 취할 수 없습니다.

한국에서 암호화폐의 인기가 증가하고 있습니다

암호화폐의 인기가 한국에서 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 현상의 가장 큰 증거 중 하나는 대한민국이 2024년 6월 디지털 자산 기본법(DABA)을 추진하고 있다는 것입니다. 윤석열 대통령은 이 법이 시행될 때까지 암호화폐 투자 이익에 대한 과세를 유예하였습니다. 법이 활성화되면 일정 기준을 초과하는 암호화폐 수익에 대해 20%의 세금이 부과될 예정입니다.

DABA를 시행하는 목표는 대한민국 정부가 국내에서의 암호화폐 성장에 더 많이 관여할 수 있게 하는 것입니다. 그들은 블록체인 개발에 대한 더 균형 잡힌 환경을 조성하고 투자자 보호를 제공하고자 합니다.

전통적인 은행들이 한국인을 위한 디지털 자산 보관 솔루션 제공에 관심을 보이는 추세도 있습니다. 이 분야의 선두 주자는 한국 최고(最古) 은행인 신한은행으로, 최근에 한국디지털자산보관회사(KDAC)에 지분 투자자가 되었습니다. 이를 통해 그들은 국내 고객을 대신해 암호화폐를 보관할 수 있게 되었습니다.

블록체인 기술의 급속한 성장은 대한민국 시민들을 또한 흥분시킵니다. 이는 결혼하거나 집을 구입하는 것과 같은 삶의 이정표를 포기한 20-39세의 사람들, N-Po 세대를 포함합니다. 웹 3.0 산업의 등장은 많은 사람들에게 현대 세계에서 더 많은 소득원과 경력 기회를 가질 수 있는 희망을 주었습니다.

그러나 암호화폐가 곧 법정화폐가 될 것이라고는 기대하지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 국내에서 이 문제에 대한 논의가 제한적이기 때문입니다. 이 개념을 현실로 전환하는 것은 예상되지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 자산의 인기가 전자 자산으로서의 상태에 많이 의존하기 때문입니다. 이를 화폐 자산으로 전환하면 사용이 제한될 것이므로, 다른 정의를 부여하는 것이 더 인기 있는 접근 방식입니다.

한국 플레이어를 위한 암호화폐 북메이커에서 기대할 수 있는 것

한국에서의 암호화폐와 스포츠 베팅의 현재 상태를 알면 암호화폐 스포츠 베팅 서비스의 개념을 이해하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 분야가 처음이라면 다음과 같은 것들을 기대할 수 있습니다:

모든 주요 스포츠 대회의 커버리지

해외 암호화폐 북메이커는 모든 스포츠 및 이스포츠에 대한 국내외 대회를 항상 커버합니다. 이를 통해 전 세계 다양한 청중을 끌어들일 수 있습니다. 게다가, 주요 이벤트의 시작을 알리는 특별 프로모션이 종종 제공되어 베팅의 흥분을 증가시킵니다.

암호화폐 북메이커는 주로 해외에 있음

최고의 암호화폐 스포츠 베팅 사이트 많은 것이 해외에 있으며 여러 국가에서 운영할 수 있는 라이선스를 보유하고 있습니다. 그들은 대부분 전자 자산만을 받아들이는 데 전념하는 반면, 다른 일부는 원래 현금만을 다루던 플랫폼이 암호화폐 친화적으로 변화했습니다. 대부분의 암호화폐 베팅 웹사이트에는 VPN이 필요 없지만 입출금을 보호하기 위해 VPN을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

유연한 결제 시스템

암호화폐 북메이커는 거의 모든 암호화폐 지갑으로 입금을 받고 출금을 허용할 수 있습니다. 유일한 조건은 그들이 사용하는 동일한 암호화폐 및 블록체인 네트워크를 지원해야 한다는 것입니다. ERC20 채널과 같은 특정 네트워크의 경우, MetaMask와 Coinbase Wallet과 같은 특정 기능을 제공하는 지갑을 사용해야 합니다.

일부 플랫폼은 웹사이트에서 암호화폐를 구매하기 위한 현금 결제 수단도 제공하지만, 이는 신용/직불 카드, 전자 지갑, 선불 서비스, 은행 송금을 포함한 수락된 방법에만 해당됩니다. 국제 제공업체인 마스터카드와 비자가 상위 선택지에 있지만, 북메이커가 지원한다면 현지 결제 제공업체를 선택할 수도 있습니다.

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What is the best way to accept crypto as a payment method? | IDOs News




In the digital age, the way businesses accept payments is evolving. The introduction of cryptocurrencies has presented a novel and dynamic payment method that is rapidly gaining acceptance across the globe. As a business, embracing cryptocurrencies not only taps into new customer bases but also enhances transaction efficiency.

Understanding cryptocurrency and Blockchain payment systems

Before delving into the specifics of accepting cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of the technologies involved. Bitcoin and Ethereum payments operate on a technology called blockchain, which is a decentralized ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. 

This decentralization ensures secure crypto payments and immutable, making them resistant to fraud and cyber-attacks.

How to accept crypto payment methods?

By setting up the right infrastructure and using the right tools, businesses can seamlessly and securely facilitate and accept crypto transactions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to adopt cryptocurrency as a method:

Choose the right cryptocurrency gateway

A crypto payment gateway acts as a mediator between the seller and the buyer, helping to process transactions securely. Selecting the right gateway is crucial as it should support the specific cryptocurrencies you intend to accept and integrate seamlessly with your existing financial systems:

  • functionality – a good crypto gateway will support a broad range of options, from traditional credit cards to direct crypto transactions;
  • integration – the gateway should seamlessly generate a one-time crypto wallet address for each transaction. This feature ensures that digital currencies are sent securely and efficiently across the globe without the need for manual entry of complex addresses.

Creating a crypto wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets are essential for receiving and storing digital currencies. As a business, accepting the right is critical to ensure the security and accessibility of your funds.

  • types – there are several types available, each offering different features, but all providing the basic ability to store, send and receive various cryptocurrencies and NFT;
  • multi-signature wallets – cryptocurrency for business payments that require multiple individuals to authorize transactions, integrating a multi-signature wallet is advisable. They provide an additional layer of security by requiring more than one key to confirm a transaction. This method is ideal for companies managing substantial funds across various users. 

Integration with existing payment systems

Cryptocurrency payment integration should be smooth with minimal disruption to your existing setup. Most crypto payment gateways offer easy integration with popular e-commerce platforms using plugins or APIs. Ensure that the integration complies with security standards to protect transaction data and customer information. To facilitate crypto payments, businesses need to integrate plugins into their online platforms. These plugins add cryptocurrency as an option at the checkout stage, making it easy for customers to choose their preferred payment method.

Implement robust security measures

Security is paramount when dealing with digital currencies. Implementing crypto payments that have robust encryption and security protocols is necessary to protect against the theft of cryptographic keys and unauthorized access to wallets and storage systems. Accept custodial wallets, where the private keys are managed by a trusted third party or non-custodial, if you prefer to control the keys yourself. QR codes can securely convey information such as the amount due and the recipient’s wallet address, ensuring that funds are always sent to the correct destination without any need for the customer to input sensitive information manually.

As cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity, being able to offer this method of Digital currency payment solutions will become a competitive advantage for businesses across all sectors”, shared expert opinion cryptocurrency payment provider

Accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will not only modernize your capabilities but also signal to the tech-savvy consumer that you are a forward-thinking business ready to embrace the future of financial transactions.

Navigating challenges and risks with this method

Accepting crypto payment as a method offers numerous benefits, including lower fees, access to a global market, and faster transactions. However, businesses must carefully consider the best practices for implementation, understand the associated risks, and continuously adapt to the evolving regulatory landscape:

Market volatility

To mitigate this risk, use stablecoins (like USDT or USDC), which are pegged to stable assets like the US dollar, or set up instant conversion features in your crypto payment gateway to convert cryptocurrencies to fiat currencies immediately upon receipt.

Regulatory compliance

Consulting with legal experts in cryptocurrency regulations can help navigate this complex area and avoid potential legal issues.

Technical integration complexity

Training for staff and continuous monitoring of the technological setup is recommended to address these challenges effectively.

By taking these steps, companies can effectively and securely accept crypto transaction methods, positioning themselves at the forefront of the digital payment revolution.

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BlockDAG’s Cutting-Edge Dashboard & Ranking System Stuns Presale Investors; More On Toncoin Potential & CRO Predictions | IDOs News




The integration of Toncoin (TON) with Telegram highlights its potential, leveraging a vast user base for widespread adoption. Similarly, the CRO price prediction suggests a possible rebound from its current low, offering intriguing prospects for investors.

However, BlockDAG truly stands out with its innovative approach, featuring its upgraded dashboard and community ranking system. This allows investors to track their standing and encourages higher investments to become crypto whales. With a presale already hitting $26 million and a price prediction of $10 by 2025, BlockDAG is emerging as a popular crypto to invest in, promising future rewards and significant gains.

Toncoin’s Strategic Integration with Telegram

Pantera Capital, led by Dan Morehead, has recently spotlighted Toncoin (TON) as its most significant investment, emphasizing its unique integration with Telegram. Unlike other blockchain projects starting from scratch, Toncoin leverages Telegram’s extensive user base of over 900 million monthly active users. This foundation provides a substantial advantage for Toncoin potential in achieving widespread adoption.

Integrating a crypto wallet within Telegram simplifies the process for users, removing the complexities of traditional self-custodial wallets. This strategic move highlights the Toncoin’s potential to facilitate smoother transitions to digital assets for Telegram’s users. This could further enhance Toncoin’s potential as a model for blockchain integration in other major platforms.

Analyzing CRO’s Future: Price Predictions & Potential

Cronos (CRO), formerly known as coin, saw its all-time high of $0.96 in November 2021 but has since declined to around $0.14. This drop prompts a closer look at the CRO price prediction and its potential to reach $1 again. Cronos, the native token of Cronos Chain developed by, provides payment, trading, and financial services in a decentralized environment.

Users benefit from reduced trading fees and a wide array of investment options. Evaluating the CRO price prediction is essential for understanding its prospects in the evolving crypto market.

BlockDAG’s Upgraded Dashboard & Ranking System Elevates Presale

BlockDAG is taking the excitement around crypto investing to another level with its upgraded dashboard, featuring a new ranking system. The dashboard shows investors the whale activity through a Leaderboard preview. To maintain a top ranking, investors must keep up the pace by purchasing more. The ranking is based on the total USD amount purchased, encouraging users to buy as many coins as possible.

For those aspiring to become crypto whales, a minimum investment of USD 50,000 is recommended to get recognized as a ‘Whale’. BlockDAG’s presale is gaining global dominance—especially after its recent stunts in Tokyo, Las Vegas, and London—attracting significant attention in the crypto presale market.

With a current price of $0.0075 and an expected surge to $10 by 2025, and 30,000x ROI potential, BlockDAG is a popular crypto to invest in, as suggested by crypto analysts closely monitoring the market.

BlockDAG continues to facilitate its potential investors with innovative features. The presale has crossed $26 million, reflecting its bullish trend. The dashboard’s ranking system adds excitement and provides opportunities for top investors to earn more rewards.

As the presale is expected to close soon, investors are rushing to invest in BlockDAG. Analysts are predicting massive gains and returns for this emerging crypto—especially after its launch. The BDAG coins have already seen a 650% increase in value since the presale was launched, making it a must-watch for those looking to make significant gains in the crypto market.

Why BlockDAG’s The Best Bet?

In summary, while Toncoin (TON) potential is boosted by Telegram integration and CRO shows promise with potential price rebounds, BlockDAG stands out. With its upgraded dashboard, ranking system, and a presale surpassing $26 million, BlockDAG is the most popular crypto to invest in. Offering a chance to become a crypto whale, BlockDAG’s innovative approach and strong market position make it the better presale investment.

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BlockDAG Forecasts $30 by 2030, Outshining Shiba Inu (SHIB) and TRON’s Technological Advances | IDOs News




As the general market struggles, Shiba Inu (SHIB) hints at an upward trend. TRON (TRX) captures the focus of its investors with impressive transaction speeds. Yet, BlockDAG is the one making waves in the cryptocurrency sector.

Having rapidly exceeded $26 million in its presale, BlockDAG’s latest roadmap reveals aggressive goals, including advanced blockchain applications, with aspirations to rank among the top 10 cryptocurrencies by 2030. This roadmap suggests a promising growth path for its value, forecasting a price target of $30 by the decade’s end.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Anticipates Market Recovery Amidst Volatility

Despite recent dips in the broader cryptocurrency market, Shiba Inu (SHIB) shows promising signs of recovery. It currently trades in a descending channel but is supported by an ascending trend line. With the market still largely bearish, various indicators point towards a potential upturn for SHIB. Technical analyses reveal a potential bullish divergence in SHIB’s price, highlighted by the Senkou Span B line.

Additionally, the ADX is nearing a level indicating a possible increase in momentum. If this trend continues, SHIB may soon approach key resistance levels, potentially marking a significant turnaround in its market value.

Exploring TRON (TRX): Pioneering Digital Content & Entertainment

Since its 2017 inception by Justin Sun, TRON (TRX) has distinguished itself as a blockchain designed for high-speed transactions, far surpassing Bitcoin’s transaction capabilities. This feature allows for thousands of transactions per second, which is particularly advantageous for investors interested in the digital content arena.

TRON’s ecosystem supports the digital entertainment industry, enabling seamless transactions using TRX tokens. It has forged significant partnerships with various media and gaming companies, enhancing its attractiveness to investors. While primarily entertainment-focused, TRON is broadening its applications, securing its place as a significant blockchain player.

BlockDAG’s Roadmap Highlights Ascension to Top 10 Cryptocurrency Status

BlockDAG recently celebrated surpassing $26 million in its presale, along with a notable listing on CoinMarketCap and a grand display in London’s Piccadilly Circus. This surge in investor interest is largely driven by its newly released roadmap, which begins with integrating blockchain with Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology. This is crucial for developing a peer-to-peer network and establishing a proof-of-work consensus mechanism compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

The second phase focuses on developing BlockDAG Scan—an advanced explorer to enhance the transparency and traceability of transactions. This phase aims to offer a user-friendly interface that includes a dashboard for monitoring blocks, transactions, and nodes, as well as detailed pages for managing smart contracts and NFTs. These enhancements aim to increase user engagement and improve accessibility.

The third phase involves the X1 Miner mobile app, designed to deepen user engagement through features like mining, referrals, and a wallet module. This app is intended to simplify user interactions and encourage investment in the BlockDAG network, emphasizing community participation and rewards.

With such a detailed and ambitious roadmap, BlockDAG is positioning itself as a future leader in the cryptocurrency market. Analysts are optimistic, projecting its rise to $30 by 2030, presenting BlockDAG as an attractive investment for those aiming to be part of a top 10 crypto revolution.

Summing Up!

As SHIB eyes a recovery and TRON advances in digital content delivery, BlockDAG distinguishes itself with significant crypto presale achievements and a visionary roadmap. With a strategy that combines cutting-edge blockchain technologies and a user-centric interface, BlockDAG supports strong growth and aims for a top 10 crypto position by 2030, providing a compelling choice for forward-thinking investors.

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